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Topics Covered

  • Dataset Calculation
  • Auto scalling
  • X-axis and Y-axis of the Experiment Mode
  • Lesson Links

    Check Your Understanding:
    1. 1. Calculations...
    2. Are applied to a line of Dataset that does not line up together perfectly
      Are applied to existing Datasets, destroying the old one
      Are applied to a single Data you would like to modify
      Are applied to existing Datasets, and create new Datasets containing the results
    Did You Notice?


    Your own conversion

    The .459 conversion rate we used is for the robot in the video, and may not match your robot very well. It would be much better to find a correct value for your robot.

    1. Create a new Program that turns the robot for 1000 motor degrees using a single Move Steering Block.
    2. Run the program and measure how much it makes the robot turn, using a protractor.
      • It may help to draw a line to mark the robot's facing before and after the turn
      • Be aware that the turn will probably be greater than 360 degrees.
    3. Once you find out how many degrees of body turn you get for 1000 degrees of motor turn,
      write them as a ratio:
      • For example, if your robot turned 459 degrees in 1000 rotations, your ratio would look like:
    4. Convert your ratio into a per-wheel-degree rate.
      • Example:
        459 body degrees per 1000 wheel degrees = 459/1000 body degrees per wheel degree
        = .459 body degrees per wheel degree
    5. Use your new conversion rate to perform a more accurate calculation with your Dataset!