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Topics Covered

  • Experiment Mode
  • Uploading from EV3
  • Lesson Links

    Check Your Understanding:
    1. 1. Once data is logged on the robot, how do you view it in the EV3 Software on your PC or Mac?
    2. The data appears automatically even if the robot is not connected
      Attach the robot by USB and press the flush data button on the EV3
      Connect the robot to the computer and use the Upload > Import function in the EV3 Software
      Data collected on the robot can only be viewed on the robot
    Did You Notice?

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    Multiple 'MyData's
    You may have seen multiple MyData entries under your GyroInvestigation folder while uploading. This numbering happens automatically if you run the same program multiple times. Each run's data is stored in a separate file, with a number at the end that indicates the order they were created.