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Topics Covered

  • Gyro Sensor
  • Turn until Angle Behavior
  • Lesson Links

    Check Your Understanding:
    1. 1. Which of the following factors contributes to the "overturning" problem?
    2. Sensor accuracy limitations
      Delay in sensing and signal transmission
      Physical momentum
      All of the above
    3. 2. Which of the following workarounds can help to reduce the "overturning" problem?
    4. Replace the Gyro sensor
      Telling the robot to wait until a value that comes "before" the one you actually want
      Use a different numbered port
      Press the cancel button as soon as it completed its turn
    5. 3. What is the difference between a workaround and a solution?
    6. A workaround is preferred over a solution
      A solution removes the source of the problem, while a workaround only reduces its effects
      A workaround removes the source of the program, while a solution only reduces its effects
      None, as both are equally the same
    Try It!
    Try it! 1

    Left Turns

    Does the same Wait for Gyro block work for left turns?
    Try changing your program to turn 90 degrees to the left instead.

    What happens?

    What happens?

    The same block works for both left and right turns, because the Wait Block is set to wait for any 90-degree change in the Gyro Sensor's reading. A 90-degree turn causes a 90-degree CHANGE in direction, regardless of whether the turn is to the left or right.

    Mini Challenge

    Mini Challenge 1: Square Box

    Program and make the robot complete a full lap around a square box, using the Gyro Sensor to control all of its turns.

    Find the width and length of the box to help with straight movements.

    Turn at the corners of the box.

    Pause for a couple of seconds after commands for consistency.

    + hint
    Did You Know?

    Did you know?

    How the Gyro Sensor Works

    The EV3 Gyro Sensor is a MEMS Sensor (Micro-ElectroMechanical System)