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Topics Covered

  • Autonomous Hexarotor
  • Challenge overview
  • Lesson Links

    Check Your Understanding:
    1. 1. What does a gyro sensor help the robot to do?
    2. Move a precise distance
      Turn more precisely
      Use GPS
      None of the above
    3. 2. Why does the autonomous mower use a gyro sensor if it already has GPS?
    4. Gyro sensor is more accurate than GPS
      GPS is sometimes blocked or unavailable
      GPS can be slow sometimes
      Robot moves faster using gyro sensor
    5. 3. Why should your robot use a gyro sensor even if it already has rotation sensors?
    6. Wheels sometimes slip and lose accuracy
      Wheel's rotation sensor cannot be used to detect body rotation
      Gyro sensor works independently from GPS
      All of the above