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Program Review: Threshold Value

  • The program shown below is a sample code for 'Threshold Value' mini-challenge.
Hover on any block in the program to view a detailed explanation.
Wait Block Wait for Ultrasonic Sensor Stops the program flow until the value from the ultrasonic sensor is less than '10' Robot waits until something blocks its way within 10 cm.
Sound Block Play file Plays the sound file named 'Hello' Robot says "Hello!" when something blocks its way within 10 cm.

Program Review: Backward Until Far

  • The program shown below is a sample code for 'Backward Until Far' mini-challenge. The program assumes that the robot starts while facing an object or a wall less than 30 cm away from it.
Hover on any block in the program to view a detailed explanation.
Move Steering Block On Moves the robot backward at 50% power. No stopping condition. Start the motors on to move backward.
Wait Block Wait for Ultrasonic Sensor Stops the program flow until the value from the ultrasonic sensor is greater than '30' Robot continues moving backward until the obstacle in front of it is farther than 30 cm.
Move Steering Block Off Stops both motors of the robot. Stops the robot (after Wait Block finishes)