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Topics Covered

  • Move Steering Block (Turning)
  • Lesson Links

    Check Your Understanding:
    1. 1. What does the robot do when the TurnRight program is run?
    2. Move straight forward
      Spin to the robot's right without moving forward at all
      Spin to the robot's left without moving forward at all
      Spin for 360 degrees
    3. 2. TRUE or FALSE: With "Rotations" on the Move Steering Block to 1, the whole robot rotates 1 time.
    4. TRUE: the robot will turn around 1 time
      FALSE: the wheels will turn 1 time, not the body
    Mini Challenge

    Mini Challenge 1: 90 Degree Turn

    Program your robot to turn exactly 90 degrees to its right!

    Place two pieces of tape so they form 90 degree angle.
    Place your robot that it faces along one piece of tape, then program it so
    that it turns to face directly along the next piece of tape.

    Change the amount your robot turns by changing the number of Rotations it is programmed to go.

    Measure how far your robot turned with its 1 rotation program, and see if you can use that information to reason about how many rotations it should take to turn 90 degrees instead!

    + hint
    Try It!
    Try it! 1

    Direction of Turn

    Moving the Steering slider all the way to the right makes the robot turn to the right, in place.
    What happens if you move it all the way to the left?
    What happens?

    The number representing the robot's Steering goes all the way down to -100.
    The robot turns in place to the left!

    Did You Notice?

    Did you notice?

    Wheel Pointers
    The white pointers on the EV3's tires help you to see how much the wheels are rotating.
    Run your TurnRight program again,
    and watch the pointer on the robot's right wheel
    1. 3. How much did the robot's wheel turn during this movement?
    2. 1 rotation
      1 degree
      Enough to make the robot spin completely around one time
      One lap around the table
    3. 4. What does the "1 rotation" refer to in the Move Steering Block's controls?
    4. 1 full rotation of the robot's body during a turn
      1 rotation of the robot's wheels
      1 time that the robot is picked up and turned around
      1 rotation of the Earth and its axis