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Topics Covered

  • Start the EV3 Programming Software
  • Move Steering Block (Forward)
  • Download and Run a program
  • Lesson Links

    Check Your Understanding:
    1. 1. What does the robot do when the program is run?
    2. Move forward until its wheels have turned 1 rotation
      Move forward until its wheels have turned 3 rotations
      Move backward
      Turn to the left
    3. 2. How do you create a new program in the EV3 Programming Software?
    4. Click the + tab near the top of the screen
      Press the New Program button on the home screen
      Enter a name and press the Go >>> button
      Click the Quick Start button on the menu
    5. 3. How do you run a program that has been downloaded to the EV3?
    6. File > Run on the EV3 brick
      My Files > Software Files > Run on the EV3 brick
      "File Navigation" tab > Project name > Program on the EV3 brick
      Program can only be run from the PC or Mac
    Mini Challenge

    Mini Challenge 1: 50 cm Challenge

    Program your robot to travel exactly 50 cm!

    Place two pieces of black electrical tape 50 cm apart.
    Your robot should travel exactly from one to the other to complete the challenge!

    Change the distance your robot travels by changing the number of Rotations it is programmed to go.

    Measure how far your robot went with its 3 rotation program, and see if you can use that information to reason about how many rotations is should take to go 50 cm instead!

    + hint
    Try It!
    Try it! 1

    Brake vs. Coast

    The last space on the Move Steering Block is for “Apply Brakes”.
    What is the difference between the "Brake" and "Coast" settings for this option?
    What happens?
    Break Mode gives "tight" control and stops the motor exactly at the requested amount. Coast Mode gives "loose" control and lets the motor slow to a stop after turning the requested amount.
    Did You Notice?

    Did you notice?

    Projects and Programs
    Did you notice that there are 2 tab bars in the EV3 Programming Software?
    The top bar is for Projects, while the bottom one shows what is inside each project, including Programs.
    A single Project can contain several Programs. Sometimes one program will run another program, so they need to be kept together. A project can also contain Experiments that use the EV3's sensors to gather data.
    1. Which of the following is correct about the projects and the program inside it?
    2. A project can contain multiple programs
      A program can contain multiple projects
      Every project contains exactly one program
      Every project contains both programs and experiments

    Did you notice?

    Rename Program
    You can rename the "Program" inside your Project by double-clicking the word "Program" on the tab,
    and typing a new name!
    Now your program will have a name inside the Project, instead of just being called "Program".

    Did you notice?

    Ev3 Menus
    Did you notice the four main areas at the top of the EV3's on-screen menu?
    • Run Recent: Lists the most recent programs you have to run. Not that if they are all named "Program", they might be hard to tell apart!
    • File Navigation: Browse through all the Projects you have loaded on the EV3. Select and run Programs from inside each Project! Folders starting with "BRK" contain Brick Apps programs (see left).
    • Brick Apps: This mode contains utilities that let you view and set motor and sensor values for troubleshooting purposes. The Brick Program app lets you write simple programs or log sensor values directly on the brick.
    • Settings: Adjust the speaker volume, auto-sleep timer, networking, and other system settings.

    Did you notice?

    Auto-detecting Ports
    Did you notice that the EV3 automatically detected the Ports that your motors were plugged into?

    The EV3 features a technology called "AutoID" that allows it to automatically detect, identify, and configure any EV3 hardware plugged into it! However, it can only tell what type of device is plugged in. It cannot detect certain other information, like what size your wheels are, or which motor is on the left vs. the right side of the robot.